Cloud computing
It’s essential during the COVID-19 pandemic to be able to work remotely. Peak Advisers can help you improve your ability to keep working even though you can’t go to the office. Here is some critical information about how best to connect to QuickBooks desktop accounting software applications.
QuickBooks desktop isn’t designed for remote access
QuickBooks is not designed to be used remotely other than with RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Many IT people freely use the terms VPN (Virtual Private Network) when referring to remote accessing networks. Most VPNs are good for moving data files (Word, Excel, PDF, etc.) but they are not fast enough for live database applications like QuickBooks.
DON’T connect QuickBooks via VPN
A common mistake is to install the client (QuickBooks) on a laptop then create a connection via VPN to the server at the business. A VPN upload (data from Server to Remote) is between 5-85mbps (megabits per second) and download speeds can be 50-100mbsp. QuickBooks needs to communicate with the server at a rate of 90mbps on a continuous sharing up and down or faster. Most Local Area Network systems communicate at 100mbsp or faster—up into the gigabit speeds.
VPN delays up or down increase the potential for data errors and corruption. If you need to work from home and you need to use QuickBooks, forget about it using VPN. VPN connections are two things:
Too slow
If you attempt to work with QuickBooks over a VPN line, you will corrupt your data file. It may not happen immediately, but it will happen.
DO use RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
There are ways to work remotely with QuickBooks. The bottom line here is use RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) applications that allow you to connect to a PC at work on a Local Area Network--this is just like you were sitting at your computer at the office. Another option is to speak to a Service Provider Host who can create a local hosted working environment including Virtual PC and Virtual Servers dedicated for you and your QuickBooks. Peak Advisers recommends GoToMyERP for this kind of hosting environment. Call us at (303) 801-4772 for more information.
Another option: QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Online is another option for using QuickBooks remotely. We can help you determine if QuickBooks Online is right for your business.