Here is a very powerful tip for you to make QuickBooks smarter for you … free up the real estate at the top of your screen and drop in the icons that YOU want – not those provided for you by default, according to Scott Gregory’s “Power Tips Every QuickBooks User Should Know.”
First of all, if you are not seeing your icons across the top of the screen, click View, then Top Icon Bar. This gets the big blue bar down the left hand side of your screen out of your way, and puts the icons across the top of the screen.
QuickBooks Icon Bar
Now that you have the row of icons in the right place, it is time to do some housekeeping and cleanup. Click View, then the Customize Icon Bar option. From here, you can simply click the icon you don’t want, then tap the Delete button. Repeat this process for all the icons you don’t want to see (experience has shown there will be many that get removed as part of this process!).
Once you click OK to lock in your changes, you will immediately see just how much more empty real estate you have in your icon bar to use as you like.
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